
Get Your Dose of MUNCHIES on the Latest Daily VICE

Here at MUNCHIES, we’re thrilled about Daily VICE, the brand new daily show bringing you the best content that VICE has to offer.

Today, our editor-in-chief Helen Hollyman appears to discuss a story about Mexicali, a Mexican border town that has more than 300 Chinese restaurants and a unique style of cuisine that combines traditional south-of-the-border fare with the flavors of Cantonese food. Think avocado chorizo fried rice, or asparagus with salt-and-pepper-style crispy calamari and Mexican chile peppers.

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This style of cooking makes the most of locally sourced Mexican ingredients and infuses them with spicy sauces and cooking styles from China. What you get is something totally unique, and so far, untapped by imitators in the US. Two of the world’s most beloved styles of food make for one delicious synthesis.

To learn more about the innovative Chinese food coming out of Mexicali, check out the full story here.