
GIF Six-Pack: The Squishy Surrealism of Jelly Gummies

If Teletubbies aren’t already haunting your dreams, they will be after you see the work of Jelly Gummies, a.k.a. Sam Lyon, and his GIF reinterpretation of the yellow, TV-infused baby-man, Laa-Laa. Since last year, the GIF artist has been creating bulbous animals, foodstuffs, and characters, using a combination of Sculptris and Blender softwares to build his warped, looping jellies. “I usually start off with a photo of a dog or a toy or a persons face and work from there,” he tells GIPHY. “Sometimes it’s just a case of opening up a program and seeing what happens.” Much of what happens is mesmerizing and a little bit alien, but other times (see below) it’s real, gelatinous nightmare material.

Get lost in the surreal world of Jelly Gummies below:

Videos by VICE

For more Jelly Gummies, visit Sam Lyon’s Tumblr, or see more of his work on GIPHY.


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