You Should Go to the ‘Outside In’ Photo Exhibition This Weekend

Our friend Tom Johnson is the guy we call we need photos of drunken EDL hate mobs or ecstatic marauding Arsenal fans. But when he’s not chasing gangs of shouty men around the country and shooting fashion spreads for magazines like Hunger, he’s doing his own thing, which mostly involves portraiture and turning otherwise unremarkable scenes into beautiful photographs.

Starting with a private view this Friday, Tom is a holding an exhibition of his new series – “Outside In” – at Box Studio, which is just a short walk from Shoreditch High Street station. The exhibition, sponsored by theprintspace, is an exploration of London from an outsider’s perspective, turning up the kind of stuff you might miss as a resident – like lone Cinderellas traipsing through King’s Cross Station and freaky women in oversized baby masks throwing cream at clubbers.

Videos by VICE

The exhibition is free, and open to the public on Saturday on Sunday. Find out everything else you need to know on the Facebook event page