
Gordon Ramsay Is Telling Random People on Twitter that Their Cooking Sucks

Pugnacious, foul-mouthed, and the owner of one ferocious temper. The star of several reality television competition series in which he is known for effectively castrating contestants and berating them verbally.

Nope—we’re not talking about the leader of the free world. We’re talking about Gordon Ramsay, who might be dismissed as a media phenomenon, if it weren’t for his many, many Michelin gold stars, the latest of which was just awarded to his Le Pressoir d’Argent in Bordeaux, France.

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Ramsay is a real chef, a true entrepreneur (Forbes says he made $60 million in 2015), and a celebrity. But why stop there? Ramsay is now engaging with his fans in a unique way: He has taken to critiquing—pretty viciously, at that—his followers’ attempts at cooking on his Twitter feed.

To cite one example: Steve O’Sullivan’s English breakfast fry up got less than rave reviews. “Painful,” Ramsay tweeted back at the less-than-stellar photo, and the Internet being the delightful sandbox that it is, Ramsay’s critiques have led to a pile-on situation, with commenters jumping on the proverbial bandwagon of abuse. One example: John Groom tweeted, “seriously wtf is that?”

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Jamie Chambers’ salmon dinner didn’t fare much better. “Loss for words,” Ramsay uncharacteristically tweeted. He also criticised Chambers perplexing choice of chopping off the tips of the asparagus she served. A commenter named “eazy e” jumped on with classic troll flair, saying, “u gotta vomit out ur asparages [sic] and reconstruct it via ur vomit projectile’s bits.”

Well, then.

So, friends, if you can’t manage to get a spot on Hell’s Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Master Chef or Master Chef Junior—but you still want a personal dose of Ramsay’s trademark nastiness—head to Twitter. You just might be able to catch the great chef’s attention with a photo of your dinner tonight.