
Grown Human Being Kirk Cousins Actually Shoved a Volunteer Ref at a Charity Flag Football Game

You like Kirk Cousins being a dick to a volunteer ref at a charity flag football game? You like that!

Kirk Cousins was playing QB for his own Kirk-titled team in a charity flag football game against Doug Flutie—a 54 year old who hasn’t thrown in the NFL since 2005—and was losing with 20 seconds ticking down on the clock. So after throwing a deep pass to a teammate and getting lined up for a play, Kirk got pissed when one of Team Flutie’s guys tipped up the football to delay the clock.

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What did grown person Cousins do? He didn’t get mad at that Flutie player, but rather called the ref for a flag. And when he didn’t get an immediate response, he shoved the ref. Shoved him because he didn’t get his way.

Let’s highlights a couple of facts here: 1. This game was a charity for veterans’ mental health—you know, to help people control their emotions. 2. The ref was a volunteer. 3. The ref was allegedly a lawn service superintendent.

Alright, had to get that all out of the way. Anyway, the ref talked to Deadspin after the game and had a couple of well-selected words:

He wanted me to flag him for swatting it, but what he doesn’t know is that we were enforcing another penalty and it was going to give him another down. He never apologized or even showed any kind of regret. That’s ok though… everyone else gets to see how he is.

The irony here is that Cousins got the penalty, and the play started with more time on the clock, but he still threw two incompletes and lost the game. Proving that there are more than a couple of reasons why Flutie is on Wheaties boxes, and not Cousins.