
Happy Thanksgiving: Here Are Two Approaches to Classic Horror Conventions

A dream-like portrait of a young black woman, eyes closed, framed by two smears of blood-like red, while a figure menaces her unseen, emerging from the backdrop

This week’s Waypoints has us returning to horror from a new angle. First, we consider the domestic horror of Channel Zero: The Dream Door and what it has to say about the baggage we all carry, and how the past’s survival tactics can become deadly as they follow us through life. Then we take a look at The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle, which reimagines a famously bigoted Lovecraft story through the eyes of a young black man. How do the horrors that tormented Lovecraft—the vast indifference of creation, the limits of science and reason—change when they’re juxtaposed against the daily life of a Harlem hustler and the pervasive cruelty of the society he inhabits?

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