
Here’s All the Weird Shit We Saw at Glastonbury

Glastonbury Festival isn’t just full of weird shit, it is the home of weird shit. It’s where weird shit goes to die, only to be reborn again as even weirder shit. Glastonbury exists outside the laws and conventions of everyday society, which explains why, while you are there, it is perfectly acceptable to eat noodles for breakfast and the sound of drum circles doesn’t make you want to punch someone.

Every year we send photographers to document the surreal self-contained multiverse that is Glastonbury, to fill in the blanks where words can fail us. You can view that here, featuring Juggalos, someone dressed as Tim Peake, and someone else (above) who decided to pair a Batman mask with a chunky-knit cardigan and combat shorts.

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Follow Chris and Jake on Twitter: @CBethell_Photo @Jake_Photo