
Here’s BOYTOY’s Song About When it Gets Warm Enough to Take Your Clothes Off in Public

Madonna circa “Like A Virgin” really was THE SHIT. She looked like she fell out of lingerie store and then promptly had a fight at Claire’s with a bunch of budget accessories and 12 cans of hairspray and then topped it all off by cinching her waist with a silver belt emblazoned: “Boy Toy.” She looked perfectly imperfect, and the world was intoxicated. It is unclear whether Brooklyn’s BOYTOY took their name from said Madonna belt, but hey, this is a tenuous intro and a lead in to say that although these guys sound nothing like Madonna their appeal is as straightforwardly instant. Lifted from their self-titled debut EP (out May 13 on PaperCup Music) “Shallow Town” possesses a scuzzy, full throttle energy (hello the 90s) with a pipette squeeze of pop. And look at how they’re holding each other! Cute.

Another great thing about “Shallow Town” is it’s all about what we at Noisey like to call The Day. We talk about The Day being the moment when winter thaws to spring and everyone starts peeling off the layers and it’s all flesh, flesh, flesh, fun, fun, fun.

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BOYTOY singer Saara Untracht Oakner has a slightly different take on “The Day” and it runs like this: “‘Shallow Town’ is about being single during the warm months in New York. Everyone is out on prowl after hibernating all winter. And there’s so many pretty people bouncing around. But there’s so much surface bullshit. Beautiful, stupid, fun surface bullshit.

“I was casually seeing someone at the time and went to a party on a rooftop when the ‘super moon’ was rising. I tried to take a picture with my phone but moon pictures on phones never turn out good. I also remember visualizing and associating the corner of Flushing and Morgan with this song. I can’t really pinpoint any specific reason for that.”

God, we cannot wait till The Day and all the world is full of “beautiful, stupid, fun surface bullshit.” See you at those crossroads sometime soon (come on global warming, let’s do this!).

BoyToy Tour Dates:

02/28 – Brooklyn, NY – Death By Audio
03/08 – Brooklyn, NY – Union Pool
03/11 – Austin, TX – Spider House (Texas Is Funny)
03/12 – Austin, TX – Trailer Space (Burger Records Showcase)
03/16 – Austin, TX – TBA (Panache Booking Showcase)

Kim is counting down till The Day and she’s on Twitter – @theKTB.