
Here’s How Designers Cut a Grid of Perfectly Isometric Food Cubes

These 98 isometrically-arranged foods like pomegranates and tuna might look like a meal from an unreasonably anal sci-fi utopia, but design studio Lernert & Sander used a very 21st century technology to make these tasty cubes.

Fittingly entitled Cubes, the above photo was commissioned by Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant in 2014 for a food-themed documentary photography special. “We wanted photograph them in isometric perspective, as we love that everything in this perspective is equally important,” founders Engelberts Lernert and Sander Plug tell The Creators Project. “We photographed the cubes in rows, from front to back and composited the rows into one complete image.”

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So, how did they make the cubes and why do they look so tasty? Photoshop? CGI trickery? Nay—”We kept away from Photoshop as much as possible after the compositing, so to get it out in the air: all cubes are real.” Lernert and Plug explain that the cubes were cut using a tool designed specifically for the project by their carpenter, something like a modified Mandolin slicer. Each near-perfect 2.5 cm cube was cut over the course of their five-day shoot. “If you look really closely at the picture, you will see they aren’t perfect cubes after all; they all have tiny imperfections,” Lernert & Sander point out. “The food looks great because is was cut just before we took the photo. The cubes are all radiating from the fresh cut.”

You can buy signed fine art prints of the delicious snapshot on Lernert & Sander’s website.

Via Ignant


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