
Here’s Liam Gallagher’s First Solo Appearance on US Television

Liam Gallagher will never change, and that’s a great thing. It means, for one, that we probably have many more years of him calling his brother a “potato,” and saying the word ‘fuck’ six times in one sentence to come. What it also means is that he’s pretty much a shoe-in to be one of the world’s best showmen for a good while yet—this he proved last night (Monday August 14) on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Grimly shaking a pair of maracas as if he were about to use them as a murder weapon, Gallagher launched into a performance of the single “Wall of Glass,” taken from his upcoming debut solo album As You Were, due October 6. He’s as snarling, standoffish, and straight up fucking cool as he was 20 years ago, and though the track does just kinda sound like latter-era Oasis, he sells it just right. Plus, have you ever seen anyone look this dope in a coat? Didn’t think so. Watch the performance above.

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Read More: Liam Gallagher, Eternal Fuckin’ Shit-Talker

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