
Hot as Hell in Midtown

During the dog days of summer, New York City’s molten core is Midtown Manhattan—a blisteringly-hot valley running along a scalding asphalt path called Broadway. It’s true that the city runs from the Bronx down to the Battery, out to Brooklyn, back to Queens, and to all the boroughs in between—but Midtown Manhattan is fuckin’ New York™, yaknowwhatImean®? It’s iconic, one of the crossroads of the world, a spot that defines our country to so many of its visitors, and it’s one heck of a concrete hell when the weather reaches the tippy-top of the thermometer.

It’s a diverse town where it sometimes feels like we’re all alone, together. But misery loves company, and when it’s hot as hell in Midtown, our anguish at least provides us with something in common.

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Chris Maggio is a New York-based photographer. Visit his website for more of his work.