
Rich People Told Us the Most They’ve Ever Spent on Drugs

droguri bogati, ce droguri consuma bogatii

Drugs are expensive, meaning that rich people can afford to do a lot of them. But how do rich people even take drugs? Are they boshing lines in their offices, like Wolf of Wall Street crossed with American Psycho? Does every other Amex card have a dusting of white powder stuck between the numbers? Or are bankers just microdosing shrooms and enjoying the odd bag of ket like the next person?

We all wake up sometimes after a big night and dread looking at our bank account – but for people grazing six figures, that surely must not really be an issue. Do you ever wonder what you’d have done to your body, or your Uber rating, or your relationship with your flatmate, if your disposable income was higher than your rent? Because let’s be honest, money doesn’t make us more responsible – it usually makes us more reckless.

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With the above in mind, I decided to ask rich people what they consider to be truly chaotic behaviour on a night out, including the most they’ve ever spent on drugs. All of the names have been changed so that they don’t get fired from their high-paying jobs, obviously.

Robert, 33, Freelance Ethical Hacker: ‘If they did random drug tests on the NHS and police, they’d all be sacked’

Currently earns: £180,000 per annum.

The most ever spent on drugs: £4,500 on cocaine, mushrooms and weed.

When you’re sat in front of a computer all day you get bored so you take a lot of fucking drugs. I met a bunch of people on a website called FetLife and thought, ‘I’ll rent a room somewhere and buy them all a load of drugs.’ Loads of different people were invited, including police officers and doctors.

Everyone meets and we just sit in a lounge chilling out. Everyone talks about who they are and why they’re here and we pass a tray around with different drugs: shrooms, coke, weed, everything. If they did random drug tests on the NHS and police they’d all be sacked. There are a lot of people who have had PTSD there so it soothes them. I’ve rented penthouses, I’ve rented The Shard or just hotel rooms. These sessions can last from noon until 3AM the next day.

Alice, 38, Project Director: ‘I realised we had this huge meeting that morning with like 50 stakeholders’

Currently earns: £90,000 per annum.

The most money spent on drugs: £300 on cocaine.

Once I went to an office Christmas party and it was dreadful so four of us left early. We went to another bar and got some coke. My friend and I ended up staying up all night, having drinks and gear. Then I realised we had this huge meeting that morning with like, 50 stakeholders, so I had a shower and dragged my friend out the door to the meeting.

I don’t know how we did it but we stayed professional and delivered it. Afterwards, the stakeholders were coming up to me to chat and I’m just trying to speak without allowing air to come out of my mouth so they couldn’t smell the alcohol in my breath. As soon as I could, I went and lay down on the cold tiles in the toilet cubicle.

Jake 32, product business partner: ‘I think I used at least a gram of coke just to get home’

Currently earns: £89,000 per annum.

The most money spent on drugs: £3,000 on THC, cocaine, LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy and DMT.

It was for my friend’s bachelor party. I bought six bottles of the new THC drink from Heavy Hitters, half an ounce of coke, 40 tabs of acid, two pounds of shrooms, 20 ecstasy pills and two ounces of [weed] concentrates. Only five people came and we shared all of that. It was two nights of debauchery.

Oh fuck… I forgot this was the same night I introduced everyone to DMT. It was dabbed on the gravity bong made by Stüdenglass. I won’t forget everyone else’s first time on DMT. They were already on coke and Special K [ketamine] and hella dabs and joints. One person thought they were on a rollercoaster, another got stuck looking into the night sky. Another guy kept staring at the plants and just vibing.

As for me, I was flying to the Donda album which had premiered a week before. One of the dudes brought raving gloves and he gave us a light show. We were mesmerised by his performance. I think I slept for two hours total. The worst part is it was only a two day thing and I had to drive back that same night. Man, I never needed more coke to save my life than driving those three hours back home. I think I used at least a gram of coke just to get home. And then I slept for 14 hours, which were clocked by my Samsung watch.

Sam, 23, business owner: ‘I had thousands of dollars of cash and ounces of drugs on me’

Currently earns: £110,000 per annum.

The most money spent on drugs: £2,000 on methamphetamine.

One night I was high on meth and I shared some at a club and sold a bit too. But we pissed some drug dealers off. So when we left the club, six guys were following us and at the traffic lights they just started fucking smacking us over the head and unloading full kicks, punches, everything. I got the shit kicked out of me. Eventually the traffic lights went green and, you know, people called the cops. There were lights and sirens going off. These six pricks ran off so we ran too – back then we had a policy of never going to hospitals to avoid getting in trouble. I had thousands of dollars of cash and ounces of drugs on me. If you can’t run, you go to jail.

Paul, 33, bank trader: ‘I only buy large, and it’s only for me’

Currently earns: £200,000 per annum.

The most money spent on drugs: £5,000 on cocaine.

One way to minimise risk is to minimise contact with dealers, so I only buy large, and it’s only for me. It’s hard to find a great source – you have to kiss a few frogs first, and it helps to buy chemical tests so you know exactly what you’re getting.

The most I spent in one go was £5,000 – mostly on coke but also a handful of other party favourites. I crush it up into fine powder and load up little vials with spoons. The vial lives in my inside jacket pocket, but sometimes so does my office keycard. I have no idea how I got away with it one day when walking out of my boss’s office and seeing the vial fall in slow motion onto the ground, a fumble when reaching for my keycard. We didn’t talk about it. Maybe she knows. Maybe she does it too. It’s everywhere.

Pierce, music label executive, 26: ‘I looked at my wallet and found loads of bombs of mandy’

Currently earns: £65,000 per annum.

The most money spent on drugs: £200 on MDMA.

One night when I was high on MDMA, I spent a grand [including an estimated £200 on MDMA]. I was in New York and I don’t really know what happened, but I ended up in some apartment with some girl then I blacked out again and ended up in my Airbnb in a different part of town, with ten missed calls from this other person who was trying to get into the flat.

It turned out I had invited a load of people round and they couldn’t get in. I went a bit too big – I was overexcited. Then when I was at the airport flying home I looked at my wallet and found loads of bombs of mandy, so I had to throw it in the bin quickly before security. I was just not expecting to see that there.

Marcus, 28, company director: ‘Three girls were with me in the disabled toilet, doing coke’

Currently earns: £300,000 per annum.

The most money spent on drugs: £1,000 on weed.

I like hosting parties. For my parties I spend a lot on marijuana [around a grand], because I like my guests to have access to it easily. It’s mostly marijuana – I’ve only done cocaine once in my life. I’ve bought coke for my friends because I have good contacts but that’s the only reason I do that. If I was to say how much I’ve spent on coke in one night, it’s probably £150. When I’m just buying, it’s because I’ve had loads of girls around who were desperate, like at New Year’s Eve. You know, three girls were with me in the disabled toilet, doing coke. And I’m just looking at them like… I really want fucking marijuana.
