
How to Turn Chickpeas Into Flavor Grenades


Chickpeas are great, but they are so much more versatile than the hummus that they are so often relegated too.

When MUNCHIES tagged along with Julia Ziegler-Haynes on her country expedition to Worlds End Farm in upstate New York, she cooked up a country feast worthy of the happy, healthy animals she used to prepare it. And when it came time to make some vegetarian dishes, she elevated the humble chickpea into a spicy Dinner Bell mezze classic.

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RECIPE: Spiced Chickpeas

So, it’s time to hit the spice rack and transform those little beige legumes into flavor grenades, which shouldn’t be too hard, according to Ziegler-Haynes: “It’s a really ‘go-with-the-flow’ recipe… it’s not an anal one.” Be forewarned: They’re addictive. Such is the power of cumin, coriander, cardamom, and cayenne combined.

Don’t get too caught up with measurements, but do get in touch with your inner Dinner Bell, and keep those chickpeas whole and spiced as all hell.