
Airbnbing Hunter S. Thompson’s Cabin Sounds Miserable and Also Terrifying

Hunter S. Thompson

Have you read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas cover-to-cover 47 times? Do you spend your weekends railing a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, and laughers? Have you been pining for a quaint little getaway where you can sit at a desk in nothing but your underwear, fondle your eclectic collection of firearms, and mumble incoherently to yourself until sunrise? Well, have we got news for you: You can now Airbnb Hunter S. Thompson’s two-bedroom, one-bath, one-ghost writing cabin in Colorado—and it’ll only cost you $550 a night!

Thompson’s widow Anita is renting out his lodge on the Owl Farm compound, just outside Aspen, where the writer holed himself up to frantically attack his typewriter, chug Wild Turkey, and chain-smoke cigarettes up until his death in 2005. If you’re somehow in a fiscal position to drop $550 on a single night in what is essentially a shack for the sake of literary history, you’ll have a chance to sit at Thompson’s old desk, use his IBM Selectric III, roam around his property, visit the site of his $3 million fireworks display of a funeral, and—if you’re lucky—take a guided tour of his actual house, which Anita has since turned into a museum. You could be in for a pretty remarkable experience—or, alternately, one of the most miserable and terrifying nights of your life.

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According to the Airbnb listing, you’ll be sleeping next to Thompson’s peacock pen, which is directly adjacent to the cabin. That might sound kind of neat—charming, even—until you consider the fact that peacocks are an incredibly loud species of bird with one of the most bloodcurdling cries known to man:

They are also dangerous beasts capable of attacking anyone who gets in their way with a swift, sharp peck or scratch to the face. They seem to have a particularly strong disdain for toddlers, who have been wounded repeatedly by their unforgiving, razor-like talons. Fun!

Your caretaker, should you choose to stay at Owl Creek, is Anita Thompson, a seemingly sweet woman in her late 40s who “welcomes those who love Hunter S. Thompson’s work,” according to the listing. She also made a note, under Airbnb’s “Things to Keep in Mind” tab, that she “does own a weapons permit,” which is vague and disconcerting.

Another fun little surprise: There are apparently “surveillance or recording devices on property,” ostensibly tracking your every move as you wander the grounds of Owl Farm—though, the listing promises, you’re subject to constant monitoring “only in public area (total privacy in cabin).”

If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind hearing the deafening squawk of a peacock every once in a while, isn’t troubled by the thought of being watched on video by a woman with an unspecified number of guns, and wouldn’t freak out if you happened to run into the ghost of the most unhinged writer of the modern era, head on over to Airbnb and apply—yes, apply—for your reservation. (As the listing notes, “APPROVAL FROM ANITA THOMPSON REQUIRED.”) Good luck!

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