
Avoid Global Travel: What You Need to Know About Coronavirus in Canada

TTC employees wiping down transit vehicle

This story was updated on March 13, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. (EDT).

More than two months after the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 first broke out in Wuhan, China, the world fell into a pandemic. As one of the more than 100 countries affected, Canada is drastically ramping up efforts to limit potential for virus spread.

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Canada has confirmed more than 150 cases of the new coronavirus, including one death.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a speaking engagement in the U.K., prompting the prime minister to announce on Thursday that he will self-isolate for two weeks. The country’s chief medical officer urged all Canadians to avoid non-essential international travel shortly before U.S. President Donald Trump declared a national state of emergency. Trudeau said he’s considering closing Canada-U.S. borders, and limiting the number of airports that will accept flights from overseas.

On Friday, Canada’s House of Commons became one of the first governments in the world to shut down. B.C., Alberta, Quebec, and Ontario are calling for the immediate suspension of gatherings that host more than 250 people, and have temporarily shuttered daycares, schools, and university classes. Some universities are working to move classes online. The City of Toronto announced drastic measures, effective Saturday. Many publicly-run services—libraries, museums, recreation centres, daycares—are closed until at least April 5. Services like public transit and emergency services will remain active, as will shelters. The city’s chief health official also issued a “strong recommendation,” urging anyone who leaves the country to self-isolate for 14 days.

Amid nearly non-stop COVID-19 news, Canada is to thank for a good headline: researchers in Ontario have isolated the novel coronavirus behind the illness. That means we’re all one step closer to improved testing and a possible vaccine.

Earlier this week, Trudeau announced more than $1 billion dollars in funding to combat COVID-19 in Canada. But many people are wondering if Canada is going far enough to contain the spread. Even though Canadians are expected to call public health authorities the minute they experience symptoms, Ontario’s Telehealth service is currently being flooded with calls and several Twitter users complained about multi-hour hold times.

114 countries and surpassed 125,000

fatalities primarily affecting the elderly and already ill.

You, regular Canadian, have a key role to play in preventing COVID-19 spread, especially since it’s up to you to self-report if you think you’re sick. Here are the steps you need to take if you live in Canada and suspect you have the coronavirus.

Where is the coronavirus being spread in Canada?

On March, 5, Canada announced its first “community case,” meaning the patient contracted the virus here in the country. Now, experts are trying to determine the extent of community spread, but specific data is not available yet. Most cases continue to be directly or indirectly linked to travel outside of the country. The man who died was in his 80s and lived in a B.C. long-term care facility.

As of March 13, seven provinces have confirmed cases: 17 in Quebec; British Columbia has 53, most of which are in Vancouver; Ontario has 79—including a one-year-old boy—and most are in the GTA, but Ottawa, Niagara, York Region, Peel Region, and Waterloo have cases as well; and Alberta announced on Thursday that it has 23, with only one hospitalized patient; Saskatchewan and Manitoba each have one confirmed case; New Brunswick has one.

What are COVID-19 symptoms?

The new coronavirus causes the COVID-19 disease. COVID-19 symptoms mirror mild to severe respiratory illness symptoms, including fever, cough, aching muscles, fatigue, and laboured breathing. Some patients have reported a sore throat, headache, and even diarrhea.

If you’re experiencing these symptoms and have travelled to China, Iran, South Korea, Japan, or Singapore—or have been in close contact with someone else who has—call your doctor or local public health agency immediately. A quick search on Google for your province’s public health team will provide you with a number to a government hotline that’ll connect you with an expert.

How does the coronavirus spread?

Experts don’t know yet—that’s the problem. While current patterns suggest people tend to pass the virus on when they already have symptoms, it’s still possible it can be spread from a person who isn’t experiencing symptoms. COVID-19 has an incubation period of two to 14 days.

That’s why professionals are saying those who believe they have the virus should self-isolate, self-isolate, self-isolate. And then, self-isolate. International health authorities have urged people who aren’t sick to maintain “social distancing,” which requires people to stay 3 feet away from anyone displaying cold and flu symptoms.

Should I wear a surgical mask?

Only if you’re already sick.The mask doesn’t prevent people from contracting the new coronavirus; it helps people who are already sick keep their germs to themselves (like covering a sneeze or a cough). Considering we’re already seeing a shortage of medical supplies around the world, avoid buying masks, so that there are more available for those who need them: nurses, doctors, the ill.

How about a flu shot?

The flu vaccine will not protect you from COVID-19! Yes, Canada Public Health still wants you to get a flu shot, but that’s to stop the spread of influenza. For now, there is no COVID-19 vaccine.

I have COVID-19 symptoms. What next?

Avoid contact with others and, again, call your doctor or local public health agency. If your symptoms are so severe that you end up in the hospital or a local clinic, make sure you tell staff that you’re worried about COVID-19 and ask for immediate isolation, advises Canada’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Theresa Tam. But try your best to call a local health professional before you physically enter a clinic and expose others to your germs, Tam said.

It’s up to the discretion of medical doctors to determine whether a patient’s symptoms warrant a COVID-19 test, Tam said. That’s because local testing isn’t possible yet; after a sample is taken, it’s sent to two labs—one provincial and one national—where medical professionals can confirm whether COVID-19 is present. When determining whether a patient needs to get a test, doctors weigh several factors, including symptoms, travel history, and proximity to other travellers.

According to Toronto Public Health, people who are sick should treat COVID-19 symptoms like they would treat any illness: drink plenty of liquids, rest and sleep a lot, and try a humidifier or hot shower to alleviate symptoms.

There’s a good chance the virus started in bats and jumped species before hitting humans, prompting health experts to try and determine whether COVID-19 can be spread from people to animals. In the meantime, Canadians are encouraged to avoid close contact with their pets. That means Canadians should avoid snuggling and kissing their furry housemates, need to wash their hands before doling out food, and should limit their pets’ contact with other people.

What should I do while I’m waiting for results?

Chances are your doctor will tell you to—you guessed it—self-isolate until your results come in, unless you’re so sick you require round-the-clock medical care at a hospital. If your test comes back negative, then you’re good to go; avoid getting sick in the future by taking steps like washing your hands frequently.

What will happen if I am diagnosed with the coronavirus?

If you do test positive for COVID-19, you’ll be encouraged to live in quarantine until your symptoms completely disappear. If your case is on the severe end, doctors will determine whether you require hospital care, but as of now, there is no coronavirus-specific treatment in Canada. Most cases clear up on their own. A patient is no longer considered infectious after having two negative COVID-19 test results within 24 hours.

I’m living in self-isolation. How do I get by?

It’s not easy to stay indoors for 14 days. If you have the means to stock up on non-perishable food—peanut butter, canned goods, dry beans, rice—then do that soon, just in case, several Canadian officials have advised. That way you’re prepared to eat reasonably if a quarantine is called.

Other important tips include setting up phone check-ups with your doctor, establishing routines, exercising, and putting together a list of books and TV shows that will help you pass the time.

Should I buy my body weight in toilet paper?


Some Costco stores announced this week that toilet paper and other products, like canned tomatoes, hand sanitizer, and bottled water were selling out fast. Toilet paper, in particular, seems to be the hot commodity right now. But you really don’t need to hoard fluffy ass wipes. Check out this VICE investigation to gauge how much TP you should have on hand.

What if I’m in close contact with someone who has it?

According to Toronto Public Health, people need to avoid contact with their sick friends, relatives, and colleagues. If you live with someone who thinks they have the coronavirus, avoid using the same items, don’t touch anything your roommate or relative has touched, and stay in a separate room, if possible.

If you live with someone who has been diagnosed with the virus, unfortunately you will also have to remain in isolation for up to 14 days.

If I’m not sick, should I change my daily habits, just in case?

No. Simply wash your hands frequently, stop touching your face, and take sick days the minute you think you’re coming down with something—if you’re lucky enough to have a job that offers paid sick days. Despite ongoing calls for ill people to take sick days, Ontario Premier Doug Ford is refusing to increase the number of government-mandated sick days in the province.

Also, fear-mongering doesn’t help anyone. Don’t avoid public spaces or city transit unless you, yourself, have COVID-19 symptoms. One sick person diagnosed with COVID-19 experienced symptoms for three days and used public transit in Toronto. Again, if you’re sick, reach out to medical professionals and limit your exposure to others.

Since the virus has spread through countries like China and Iran, should I avoid Chinatown and Iranian restaurants?

No. Stop being racist.

Should I still go on spring break?

On March 12, British Columbia became the first province to warn residents against all international travel. Ontario followed suit the next day. Canada’s chief medical officer has since urged all Canadians to avoid all non-essential international travel.

If you decide to get on a plane anyway, take steps to limit your contact with germs. Research suggests that passengers who sit in a window seat are less likely to get sick. Also, disinfect hard surfaces like your tray table and arm rests when you first sit down. Keep in mind at least two major Canadian travel insurance providers, TuGo and Manulife, have said they will no longer reimburse flight cancellations related to COVID-19 because it’s a “known issue.”

Because fewer people are travelling and airlines have had to modify travel routes, the Trudeau government said it will consider strategies that will mitigate the economic hits experienced by airlines. Even so, WestJet announced on March 13 that more than 50 percent of its staff is facing layoffs as a result of decreased travel.

Ottawa is also urging Canadians to avoid all travel on cruise ships, after 237 Canadians were stuck on board a cruise that had been returning from Hawaii to San Francisco.

Who is in charge of Canada’s response to the coronavirus?

Canada’s public health response plan for biological events has been activated, meaning provincial, territorial, and federal governments are working in unison to manage virus spread. It’s up to the provinces and territories to keep Canada’s public health agency updated and ensure they have the resources necessary to cope with the virus—surgical masks and gloves, for instance. Ottawa has said it will jump in and provide emergency resources if a provincial or territorial situation is so dire that it warrants support.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has formed a federal cabinet committee that is monitoring the health and economic consequences of the virus. The committee complements the work being done by Trudeau’s Incident Response Group, which he says has been following the situation.

Makeshift labs are also springing up in Canada: Montreal’s old Hotel-Dieu Hospital is joining several specialized clinics in Quebec for COVID-19 testing. The former hospital was housing outpatients and administrative offices, but it now welcomes patients with COVID-19 symptoms. Ontario announced a 24-hour emergency operations centre that will include about 50 people from a number of city agencies who will coordinate preparations for a possible escalation of the virus.

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