
In Slightly Punk Move, Bob Dylan Will Formally Accept Nobel Prize, Won’t Deliver Lecture

A lot has happened since Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature on October 13 last year. America elected a callous, misogynistic racist as its president, inaugurated him, and then realized that he’s going to be every bit as grotesque as his campaign proclaimed; Leonard Cohen and Chuck Berry, a foil and an inspiration to Dylan respectively, died; Katy Perry got woke. One of the few constants, besides a crushing sense of futility, has been Dylan’s strange dance with the Nobel Committee, first refusing to acknowledge the award, then declaring how humbled he was by it, before missing the ceremony due to “scheduling conflicts.” It remains oddly comforting.

Things continue on this morning. Dylan will, per the Guardian, accept his Nobel Prize when he stops off in Stockholm this weekend on tour. The ceremony will be a “small and intimate” affair with “only Bob Dylan and members of the academy” in attendance, according to Nobel spokesperson Sara Danius.

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But the dance isn’t over yet. Nobel recipients are expected to give a lecture to the Academy within six months of receiving an award. Dylan won’t do that this weekend. His lecture will, apparently, be taped and sent in at a later date.

In other Bob Dylan news, his 36th studio album, Triplicate, is out this Friday, and it’s probably going to be wonderful.

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