
Insta of the Week: Bedazzle Your Beard with LEGO and Ramen

Ahhh, No-Shave November. It’s that time of the year when men start to get exponentially more jealous of each other, and the man bun craze picks up momentum, because—at least as popular belief would have it—man buns are better with beards, and beards are a craze of their own. This week, one Pierce Thiot, a California-based art director, took his No-Shave game to a new level by adorning his facial mane with ramen, Simpsons LEGO pieces, toothpicks, and pink foam hair curlers.

The recent grams are part of an ongoing series he and his wife started called Will It Beard. Thiot says about the project, “People enjoy wasting their time on it. Some people really hate me.” Well, we don’t. The photos have a lighthearted, playful quality to them. Not trying to be “too sexy for Instagram” and not merely attempting to woo the ladies, as they easily could have, given today’s face-fur fever. 

Videos by VICE

I just wonder if he’ll donate those Lego to Ai Weiwei when he’s done with them…

Check out more of Pierce Thiot’s work here.


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