
Insult to Injury: Week Ending 1/17

Welcome to Insult to Injury. Every week, the editors stop arguing over The Beatles for five minutes (sorta) and gather here to collect everything they’ve been listening to recently. Here’s what’s been playing at the Noisey offices this week…

Andrew Jackson Jihad – “You Don’t Deserve Yourself”
Earlier this week, Kim, who is going straight to heaven because she has to sit a foot away from me for like, a million hours a week, figured out that she could remotely access my iTunes library and started going through it in front of me. This was MORTIFYING. I would seriously rather have my parents watch a video of me jacking off than have someone go through my music while I watch helplessly. Anyway, the one thing that she seemed to give me the most shit for was Ben Folds. (Keep in mind that Black Eyed Peas’ Monkey Business was just inches below this!) Why is it so surprising that I own a few Ben Folds albums? I went to college, dude! So I’m going back through Rockin’ the Suburbs to see if it still holds it up. There are still a few tight songs on it. But I wish Kim had found this album by Andrew Jackson Jihad because the whole thing is rad. They’re playing tomorrow with a “secret” guest (oh come on, dude, figure it out) and I’m pretty amped.

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Dan Ozzi, Contributing Editor
Dan on Noisey | Dan on Twitter

Infest – “Sicko”
Awwwwwwww, SICK-FUCKIN-OOOOOOOH! See you guys in Baltimore this weekend. Someone is going to die.

Fred Pessaro, Editor-in-Chief
Fred on Noisey | Fred on Twitter

Big Tymers – “Everybody Get Your Roll On”
“Imagen Big Tymers but modarn. Birdman rap about cronut. Many Fresh sample ‘Drive’ soundtrack, headline modarn concert taped on Samsung Galaxy Note 4 by “President” Bary Hussein Obame.” This is how my petition to have Big Tymers play Coachella is going to start.

Drew Millard, Features Editor
Drew on Noisey | Drew on Twitter

Bloc Party – “Banquet”
Ten years ago I jumped on Bloc Party’s tour bus in London and traveled with them to France before ending up in Amsterdam. They were opening for Interpol who were touring Turn on the Bright Lights, while BP had yet to release their debut album, Silent Alarm, and I was writing a story about them. Interpol suggested that after the show in Amsterdam we should all take magic mushrooms as the last time they were in the city they ate them up, had the best time, and swore they saw Nietzsche’s face on the wall in a club toilet.

It was my first time taking mushrooms. I was nervous about my story for a magazine I hadn’t written for before. Turns out those particular mushrooms in that particular situation was not a good mix for me. There was a three hour period during which one member of the touring party talked at me while the party whirled around us and I said nothing. Like, nothing.

Then Daniel from Interpol noticed I was trapped in a shroom silence and suggested we get some air, so we went for a walk in Vondelpark at 4 AM. This park is 120 acres, btw. Obviously we got really lost until the sun came up. During this period I probably eked out a further 20 sentences—tops. That’s the end of my story. Thank you Karen Ruttner for reminding me that this happened by posting this picture.

“Banquet” is still my favorite Bloc Party song because of Russell’s flicky little guitar line as each chorus exits.

Kim Taylor Bennett, Style Editor
Kim on Noisey | Kim on Twitter

Aaliyah – “More Than a Woman”
Aaliyah’s Aaliyah was something my mom bought me in 2001, I was 11. “More Than A Woman” was the sexiest song I had heard. I loved Aaliyah, I wanted to be Aaliyah. There were dances I used to make up to “More Than a Woman” in the mirror every fucking day that summer. I walked downstairs one day to my dad watching CNN with the headline flashing that she died in a plane crash. I’ve probably played that song five times since she passed.

Earlier this week, Aaliyah would have turned 35. Everyone looks for every opportunity to celebrate her—simply because, it’s Aaliyah; the epitome of effortlessly beauty, talent and what seemed to be a gentle and mysterious soul. Maybe it’s the layered vocals, the grace of the chorus, the percussion mixed with the 80s funk intertwined on TImbaland’s production—but “More Than A Woman” is my favorite of hers, even if it’s infinitely heartbreaking to listen to today.

Lauren Nostro, Guest Editor
Lauren on Noisey | Lauren on Twitter

The Beatles – “Every Beatles Song”
Apparently this past week was the unofficial Beatles Week here at Noisey. Dan Ozzi argued that it’s okay to like them. Drew Millard argued that it’s okay to not like them. I say fuck both of these dudes and just put on this YouTube playlist of all the Beatles songs because the Beatles rule and fuck you.

Eric Sundermann, Managing Editor
Eric on Noisey | Eric on Twitter