Internet Freaks Out After Woman Finds Teeth in Her Tacos—But Were They Really Teeth?

The start of a horror movie, right?

Nope. That was one woman’s actual experience when she found a mysterious bone in her barbacoa tacos at El Rincon Mexican Restaurant in Pflugerville, Texas. In a since-deleted Facebook post, Courtney Aguilar, wrote:

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“I asked the server if this was teeth??? She said ‘baby teeth.’”

That was followed by numerous green nauseated emojis, but really, there is no amount of emojis to do justice to that interaction.

Fortunately for her, like the “fried rat” story at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the situation wasn’t quite as disturbing as it may initially have seemed. After her post went viral, San Antonio-based meat vendor Laxson, which supplied the meat to El Rincon, explained that what Aguilar thought were teeth were in fact just delicious beef lips.

Read the rest at Munchies.