Introducing Our New Dating Series ‘Come Here Often’

Questions: What is more gratifying than using your job as a content creator to punch up and date people way the fuck out of your league? There aren’t many things, but there is one that comes to mind. And that is tapping the company card to pay for said date. It’s quite a feeling—quite an ecstatic, blinding, joyous feeling.

Dating. For content. On someone else’s dime.

Videos by VICE

That is the general gist of what we’ll be doing with our new series Come Here Often, where VICE writer and resident pest Issy Beech will endeavour to date her heroes and her IG crushes—taking them to boozy lunches and awkwardly quiet cinemas, trying to get to know the person behind the persona, and hoping—nay, praying—for a potential connection. Perhaps a white-picket fence and a three-legged dog.

What’s more likely, though, is that things will get a bit inappropriate, a bit weird, and everyone will agree to part ways. Professionally.

Premiering today is Come Here Often Episode One, featuring Kirin J Callinan: musician, subversive, heartthrob. Issy took Kirin on a date to the iconically decorated Spaghetti Tree in Melbourne, where the wine flowed (and flowed and flowed) and the chemistry… was obscure.

Who will be next? Only time will tell. Will it get any less uncomfortable? Not likely.

You can follow Issy Beech on Twitter if you like.