
Islamic State Magazine Praises ‘Eight Knights’ Who ‘Brought Paris Down On Its Knees’

On Wednesday, the Islamic State released the latest issue of its magazine Dabiq. The issue is titled Just Terror, and features on the cover a photo of French medical workers responding to last week’s attacks in Paris. But the 66-page issue (in pdf format only; it is not printed) largely shies away from discussing the Paris attacks, aside from a short editorial in the opening section of the magazine that celebrates the operation. 

The editorial links the attack to France’s participation in airstrikes against IS in Syria and Iraq. “A year earlier, on 19 September 2014, France haughtily began executing airstrikes against the Khilafah,” the editorial reads, using the Arabic word for caliphate. “Like Russia, it was blinded by hubris, thinking that its geographical distance from the lands of the Khilafah would protect it from the justice of the mujahideen.”

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The magazine also celebrates the perpetrators of the attack. “The eight knights brought Paris down on its knees, after years of French conceit in the face of Islam. A nationwide state of emergency was declared as a result of the actions of eight men armed only with assault rifles and explosive belts.”

The attack, IS claims, serve a future warning to Western countries making war on IS.

“So when will the crusaders end their hostilities towards Islam and the Muslims? When will they realize that the Khilafah is here to stay? When will they recognize that the solution to their pathetic turmoil is right before their blinded eyes?,” it asks.  “For until then, the just terror will continue to strike them to the core of their deadened hearts.”

The magazine also included what could be new details about the the bomb that took down a Russian airliner in the Sinai late last month.  Near the front of the latest issue, IS included a picture of what it claimed was the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) — a small bomb contained in a soda can. 

Dabiq collects dispatches from IS affiliates across the world. The most recent issue includes reports from Yemen and Somalia, as well as an advice column encouraging IS female recruits to embrace polygamy.