
ISS Find the Middle Ground Between David Foster Wallace and Anarcho UK Punk

ISS is Edwin J Schneider and Ricardo Poison Ivey, a duo from North Carolina who produce abrasive music using samples from punk drum breaks. Their first cassette featured Eddie layering guitars, recorded directly into computers and samplers, then handing the results over to Ricardo to lay down some sneering vocals about UK anarcho punk and chemtrails.

Their latest tape Endless Pussyfooting ups the ante and is the only release in 2017 that we know that references Crass, David Foster Wallace and the 1993 Emilio Estevez and Cuban Gooding Jr vehicle Judgement Night. “penISS Envy” is a track made up entirely of Crass song titles.

Videos by VICE

Listen to the tape below and read a track-by-track rundown from Eddie.

Q:”Look at the girl on the cover homeboy?”
A: “uh…that’s not a girl on the cover homeboy. And, woof. No thanks.”

It’s a Chore

The Gov’t Is After Me
In the last six months, I haven’t had a day that has gone by without thinking of Jared Kushner at least once. Somehow, the prospect of the NSA and the Electronic Frontier Foundation spying on me just seems moot and childish at this point.

I Hate People My Age
Pretty self-explanatory what this was inspired by. However, I’m just going to chalk this one up to Jared as well.

Endless Drip
This is a cover. One that, Rich himself wrote once already, for another band, which he also sings in.

Still Puttin’ on the Blitz
Everyone knows some weirdo like this. I am probably some weirdo like this. Elizabeth from No Love is featured on vocals.

Infinite Jast Last
Finally….The LSD/DFW mash-up the world has been begging for.

penISS Envy
A song about Crass, using Crass’ own words. Early tentative song titles included “Where Next Columb-Ass?” and “Hurry Up Garry (Graham Parsons Farted).”

Part Time All The Time
Another song about boots. ALL of the really good stuff about this song can be entirely attributed to Rich. My only contribution was accidentally plagiarizing a Le Tigre song. Ian from Natural Causes plays synths.

Hot Boi
Rich told me that this was the most personal song he’s ever written. Evidently, one weekend when he was home alone he didn’t have air conditioning and he was really hot….It inspired him to write this song. He also told me once, that when he records vocals, he plays the “Judgment Night” soundtrack really loudly so his neighbours won’t hear him yelling.

A Supposedly Fun Thing I Never Did To Begin With
HOW COOL?!? Another DFW reference. What can I say….that dude knows baroque white guy despair.

(919) SUI-CIDE
(919) is the area code for the Raleigh/Durham area.

Texting Pig
Josh from BODYKIT played synths on this song. This is the second best song ever written about a female police officer. The first best was written in 2008.

Devry (off the beating path)
I don’t have a clue what this song is about.

‘Endless Pussyfooting’ is available now through State Laughter.