
It’s Art: Mountains That Look Like Ice Cream

Every now and then, The Creators Project comes across an artwork that surprises and delights us—every bit as much as it totally confuses us and otherwise has us begging for answers. This is art that defies conventions, challenges sensibilities, and breaks the walls down between around both critique and understanding. You might not like it—you may not even “get it.” But we do. Turn on, tune in, and just remember: it’s art!

In honor of National Dessert Day, The Creators Project presents Greek art director and photographer Elena Tsali‘s mountains like ice-cream, a series of images that juxtapose the handsome, panoramic solitude of mountain ranges with what looks like a soft serve sundae. It’s an interesting comparison between texture and form—one that has us contemplating the deeper meanings of Rocky Road.

Videos by VICE

Below, Elena Tsali’s mountaints like ice-cream:

Explore more of Elena Tsali’s work on Behance and on her blog


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