
It’s Dubstep Dinosaurs… In 3D

Dubstep and dinosaurs—two creatures that may never truly go extinct—come together once again for Dubstep Dinosaurs 3D, the new film from artists Reed + Rader. Created over the course of a year, the sequel to 2012’s Dubstep Dinosaurs features a journey back to a Cretaceous Era rave with environments and characters created using motion capture, the Unreal engine, music by Vacate, and more 3D stegosauruses in pajamas than you can un-invite to a dance party. “We want to take gaming engines beyond shooters and use their power to create uncanny environments to tell stories,” Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader told The Creators Project. In the past, the duo has created immersive 3D fashion spreads, a pizza machine, and the first fashion film created with the Unreal engine, often releasing their work via Nick Knight’s fashion website, SHOWstudio. “Ever since we can remember, people have always told us that they wish they could ‘exist’ in an R+R world and originally we weren’t sure what that meant but now with the use of gaming engines we are starting to realize that possibility,” Reed + Rader explain.  

Immerse yourself in the world of Dubstep Dinosaurs 3D, and check out a few moments from the film below. 

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