
It’s Monday, January 28, and People Who Oppose GMOs Know the Least About Food Science

albino strawberries

Welcome to Off-Menu, where we’ll be rounding up all the food news and food-adjacent internet ephemera that delighted, fascinated, or infuriated us this morning.


  • NPR published the results of a peer-reviewed paper from Nature Human Behaviour that showed that people who strongly oppose genetically modified food also have a lower understanding of what genetically modified food is—and, more generally, how science works. The results and the writeup perfectly encapsulate a particularly infuriating aspect of modern society where science is seen not as the ultimate arbitrator but as a biased referendum on a certain moral stance. Or, as NPR writes, “People who most intensely oppose genetically modified food think they know a lot about food science, but they actually know the least,” and “consumers often are less likely to learn the facts when it’s something they feel very passionate about.”
  • Good to know the man in charge of Twitter, an increasingly influential platform that has received credible criticism for its poor management, is intentionally incapacitating himself through starvation and acting like this is some sort of revelatory life hack.

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  • Email me if you know who this was?
  • According to self-reported data from In-N-Out, covered in The California Sun, managers at the burger chain earn $160,000 on average. Considering the prevalence of violent eruptions at fast food locations, this seems fair and and reasonable and hopefully other massive corporations whose execs enjoy billion-dollar valuations will consider similarly reasonable compensation plans for managers on down.
  • Nine-year-old Lily Ries won $1,000 in the National Bonnie Plants Third Grade Cabbage Program for her extremely large cabbage. “Her mom, Megan Ries, says they had no idea cabbages could get so big, but it just kept growing and growing,” the Associated Press reports.

Not News

Remember when Howard Schultz, the ex-Starbucks exec who recently announced his plans to run for president as a “centrist independent,” bought the Sonics (the NBA team, not the restaurant chain) and gave his new employees a Starbucks gift card with $3.50 on it as a holiday bonus? Starbucks doesn’t even sell gift cards that small; the former CEO must have had to commission them custom for the occasion.

Something Nice

Leslie Jones rapped about the Upper East Side on Saturday Night Live this weekend, and the video doubles as an ode to bougie bread bakeries and some of the city’s most expensive restaurants.

Buy This Bucket

Matesers bucket

The 520-gram serving of Maltesers is described as a “party bucket” but they don’t specify how big of a party it has to be.