
Exclusive: Jammer’s Gone and Made a Video for Huge Tune “Ian Wright”

Jammer press shot 2019

To re-cap, for those who missed it: a couple of weeks back grime MC Jammer was pushed over while on stage at Wiley’s Eskimo Dance. Based on some very grainy video evidence (watch below), a lot of people thought the guy who did it was football star Ian Wright. That’s what they were saying anyway, whether it started as a joke / a troll / or indeed a clerical error within their brain.

As it turned out, the dude on stage wasn’t Ian Wright. But all of this was seemingly irrelevant: the meme had been made. In the end Ian Wright had to respond. And now Jammer’s gone and made a big tune out of the whole thing, which you’ll want to blast loudly all weekend (watch and listen below). He’s teased it on Insta already, but here’s the whole deal. Can’t say he doesn’t put mad work rate in. And keep your eyes open for some cameos in the video that you might not want to miss…

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