Jared Fogle Is Apparently Making Sandwiches in Prison Now

Photo via Flickr user Janet Beasley

Jared Fogle is back in the sandwich business—this time, in jail.

According to TMZ, which has been owning the Fogle beat lately, the ex-Subway spokesman and notorious sex criminal has secured a gig making sandwiches at the guard’s private cafeteria inside Englewood, Colorado’s Federal Correctional Institution.

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Sources told the outlet Fogle was initially serving sandwiches in the inmate cafeteria. But prisoners apparently saw that as preferential treatment, possibly because convicts see sex criminals—and especially those who prey on children—as uniquely evil. After he was reportedly beat up by another inmate at the end of January, Fogle’s guards seem to have moved him to their kitchen for his safety—and their own amusement.

Fogle is currently serving a 15-year sentence on child pornography and sex-with-minor charges. Subway dropped him as a spokesperson after the allegations went public, but it looks like he’s sticking with the same basic formula that made him a national icon.