
JAWS 4D: Wearable Technology Lets You Swim With The Sharks (Sort Of)

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Wearables are not just for humans, it appears. According to a report in the American Geophysical Union, scientists have begun to strap wearables on different species of sharks, allowing unparallelled new data access to the cartilagenous Chordates. 

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Researchers from the Universities of Hawaii and Tokyo have designed a wearable accelerometer-magnetometer and digital camera combo, in order to “really fill out the detail of what their role is in the ocean,” according to assistant researcher Carl Meyer. “It is all about getting a much deeper understanding of sharks’ ecological role in the ocean, which is important to the health of the ocean and, by extension, to our own well-being.” 

While the device itself looks like one of those harmless inflatable arm-floats, we like the idea of being able to know where sharks are swimming. It’s a small consolation, and it might be awhile until every shark is wearing one, but when it comes to making sharks less scary, we’ll take whatever we can get. 

The research was presented as part of the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu, alongside a video that shows different types of sharks wearing the device. Check the video out below: 

h/t Designers of Things