
Join Us for the First Corona Film Club Virtual Viewing Party

Watch 'Porco Rosso' With VICE's Corona Film Club

You’re stuck inside with nothing to do, your housemate is wearing a face mask indoors, and you generally feel like you might be slowly losing your grip on reality. Welcome! Understandably, you’re probably itching for a bit of human connection beyond being asked seven times a day if you’ve washed your hands (you have, to the tune of the chorus of “Mr. Brightside,” no less!), so in order to provide that, VICE UK would like to invite you to our inaugural Corona Film Club viewing party.

Following the first week of the club, where we watched A24’s First Reformed and then posted our roundtable review (ft. VICE staffers and readers alike), we’re hosting a virtual screening of our next movie, Studio Ghibli’s Porco Rosso.

Videos by VICE

Reader Billy Moir suggested this movie about a bounty hunter who gets turned into a cartoon pig. It is, of course, currently available on Netflix UK. The idea is that you join the party, and chat about the movie with us as you go, with the best responses included in our next round-up. Here’s how to join in:

1) Clear your extremely busy calendar for Saturday at 8PM.
2) Download the Netflix Party extension (for Google Chrome only) here and log into Netflix.
3) Look out for the link to our party on the VICE UK social channels (we’re @VICEUK on Twitter and Instagram). All you have to do is click on the link here and then hit the Netflix Party button in your browser. We’ll also post it in this article before the show starts on Saturday evening.
4) Watch along with your isolated brethren, enjoy some sweet virtual company and share your thoughts in the accompanying Netflix Party chatroom.

If you can’t make Saturday at 8PM, simply watch the movie at your leisure before Thursday 26th March, when we’ll post the next review. Here are some prompts to help with your responses, which you need to email to coronafilmclub@vice.com:

1) Is this film any good?
2) What’s it about?
3) OK, but what’s it *really* about?
4) What about the acting?
5) Who’s the director? What did they do here?
6) Best scene?
7) What’s cool about it?
8) Does it illuminate our current pandemic predicament?

See you on Saturday at 8PM!
