
This New Krallice Album Just Appeared Out of Nowhere

Photo courtesy of Krallice’s Facebook page

Surprise! Krallice just released a new full-length album! Titled Ygg huur, the album follows the NYC extremists’ last record, the independently-released Years Past Matter, and will be available on vinyl via Gilead Media later this year. For now, it’s available for purchase digitally, and is streaming in all its dissonant glory on Bandcamp

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Ygg huur is a challenging, complex listen—you’ll need to sit down and really give it your full attention if you’ve any hope of unraveling any of its poisonous layers. For all its technicality, though, this album sounds more stripped-down and punishing than its predecessor. It can’t hurt that its rhythm section has whiled away much of the band’s semi-hiatus playing in their avant-death metal project, Geryon, as well as a litany of other loud, twisted endeavors (drummer Lev Weinstein is especially prolific), or that guitarist Mick Barr has continued exploding brains with his virtuosic improvised insanity, or that fellow guitarist Colin Marston’s day job involves recording and knob-twiddling for some of the most forward-thinking bands in metal.

Listen for yourself, and if you’re based around NYC, do yourself a favor and see them live. They’ll be at Trans-Pecos with Geryon and Andromorphus Rexalia on August 13, then play a late 10PM set at The Stone on August 21 as part of Barr’s residency at the artist-driven performance space. Welcome back, dudes!

Kim Kelly has known the Krallice guys for years and is really digging this new album. She’s on Twitter – @grimkim