
A Human Face Gets Collaged in This Music Video

La Chica, a.k.a., Sophie Fustec, is a French-Venezuelan musician who combines traditional Latin American musical forms with modern electronic pop. In her new track “Oasis,” she takes the piano playing of French composers Erik Satie and Claude Debussy, and Camille Saint-Saëns’ “The Carnival of the Animals: The Aquarium” movement, and combines them with electronic textures and vocals that simultaneously recall Feist and Björk.

The song is a kaleidoscopic affair, glitchy in parts, with La Chica alternating between Spanish and English lyrics. These collage-like sonics recently got a visual analogue in a trippy music video directed by Noamir Productions, an anagram moniker for brother-sister team Romain and Marion Castéra.

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In the video, La Chica sits with her eyes closed on a chair, amidst a pastel-colored room that looks something like Wes Anderson-meets-Jean Luc Godard. But when she opens her eyes there is something warped in them, and viewers know things are about to get strange. Marion and her illustrator and 2D animation collaborator Kelzang Ravach, who creates under the moniker Ma-Ke, use various techniques and media—collage, paint and digital effects—to make La Chica’s face mutate in a number of ways, creating something that’s dreamlike without ever being grotesque.

LA CHICA “Oasis” – Official Music Video from NOAMIR on Vimeo.

Click here to see more of Noamir’s work.


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