
Laura Ingraham and Paul Gosar’s families say it’s totally humiliating to be related to them

Laura Ingraham and Paul Gosar’s families say it’s totally humiliating to be related to them

JACKSON, Wyoming — Political views have long been the impetus behind many a deeply awkward American Thanksgiving dinner. But for these political siblings wrapped up in the midterm elections, politics are literally tearing their families apart.

Take Dave and Tim Gosar, who were so appalled by the public positions of their brother, Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar, that they appeared in an ad for his political opponent in September. Or Curtis Ingraham, the brother of Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who says they used to be so close they could finish each other’s sentences. Now their sentences are largely limited to Twitter, where he tends to denounce her latest hot takes instead of completing them.

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“Are you supposed to stand by your family no matter what they do? ‘Oh, hi Paul. Other than demonizing immigrants and trying to take away our healthcare… How’s it going?” Dave Gosar said. “Let’s agree to disagree about taking babies from their parents at the border… Pass the turkey!”

Ingraham, who just watched his sister parodied at great length on “Saturday Night Live,” said Kate McKinnon captured his sister’s mannerisms beautifully. But he’s unsettled by what the parody symbolizes.

“Someone asked me, ‘Is that your sister or is she playing a personality?” Curtis said. “I think that is her now, that’s who she has become.”

VICE News brought the political siblings affected by this election cycle together in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in the lead-up to Voting Day, to talk about what it’s like to experience a very common family drama — on a national stage.