
Watch Laurie Anderson Reflect on Lou Reed, Her Recent Film, and Decades of Thrilling Creativity at Moogfest

Photo by The1point8. Interview filmed by Subtractive at The Durham Hotel.

Last May, THUMP traveled down to Durham, North Carolina for the 2016 edition of Moogfest. From the diversity of their programming, to experimental off-site events, endearing crowdsourcing projects, and, of course, devotion to the legacy of synth pioneer Bob Moog, the event remains central to the beating heart of electronic music. In addition to a laundry list of thrilling sets, we also got the chance to livestream some interviews with the likes of hip-hop pioneer GZA, Silver Apples, and influential multimedia artist, Laurie Anderson. In the exclusive video above, DJ Lance Rock (best known for his appearances on Yo Gabba Gabba!) sits down with Laurie Anderson to touch of topics ranging from reflection on her late husband Lou Reed, her recent film Heart of a Dog, and how creativity flows through her work after so many years. Check out the video, and sign up for Moogfest’s weekly newsletter for more exclusives in the coming weeks.

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