
Leo, September 2015

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what’s happening in the sky. If you are not a Leo and/or don’t care about Leos, you can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

This summer so much attention has been on you, Leo, and that’s exactly how you like it. Things are beginning to wind down: The Sun has left you sign for earthy Virgo, as has Jupiter, the planet of good luck and abundance. Mars and Venus are still in your sign—though Venus is kind of in a crappy mood, what with being retrograde—and September starts with some fireworks when these two meet in the sky.

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These fireworks, however, may not be romantic. Mars, the warrior god, chases stuff all day: love, money, and power. When Mars meets with loving Venus, one might assume, everything becomes peaceful. But that’s not exactly true: The planets are always in motion, and happily ever after does not exist in our moving heavens. When Mars and Venus meet, there’s often a feeling of contentment, or self-satisfaction. And, being that these two are meeting in Leo—your sign, the sign of the drama queen—the self-satisfaction level will be insane. So, again, the fireworks may not be romantic, but the sudden burst of energy, drama, and life should be invigorating. Keep in mind that this feeling won’t last forever: Venus is moving backward, still rethinking, redoing, reworking what it finds valuable, lovely and good.

Venus retrograde in your sign hasn’t been easy. Venus is the Roman goddess of love, attraction, harmony and prosperity. Having her retrograde in your sign could have been very tiring and defeating. You may have felt like a popped balloon (reread last month’s horoscope if you’d like a refresher on how Venus retrograde in your sign will affect you). But it’s nearly over: Venus goes direct on September 6, so expect some forward motion on all the Venus stuff in your life (love, money, etc). Until then, enjoy the sparks Mars and Venus make as they pass each in the sky.

The weekend that Venus goes direct should be pretty great, especially financially. Your ruling planet, the Sun, trines Pluto on September 5. This is an excellent, easy connection with two of the most powerful planets in the sky. The Sun—which, obviously, scientifically speaking, is not a planet, but this is your horoscope and not Neil deGrasse Tyson’s blog—represents life, vitality and consistency; however, Pluto, with its elliptical, wacky orbit, is quite the opposite. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, transformation, and endings. When these two planets are working positively together, power comes naturally to us, bad habits are easy to break, and mysteries can be solved. The Sun is in Virgo, an Earth sign, where it’s asking you to be conscious of your material goals. Pluto is currently in Capricorn, the sign of industry and status, asking you to transform your day-to-day routines to better support your journey to success. It’s the weekend, and it should be time to party, but you’re having a blast just working at your desk, dreaming of your future successes and triumphs.

The next weekend, on September 13, there’s a New Moon solar eclipse in Virgo, which will bring even more news around your finances, your personal belongings, or whatever you find valuable— especially around communicating your thoughts on this issue. Be super careful about what you say to whom concerning finances. Eclipses are very sensitive periods, astrologically speaking. They alter what we perceive our life’s course to be. It’s quite likely that this eclipse will dramatically alter the way you see your life unfolding six months from now, especially with regards to material matters. The best thing you can do to work positively with this energy is to educate yourself as much as possible on money (or whatever your material issue is). Learn the lingo: Communication will be super important during this eclipse! New beginnings are on the way, so if some things don’t pan out during this weekend, no tears—things are working out the way they should, and new opportunities will roll through.

We have another eclipse later this month, but first, let’s talk about September 17, one of the craziest days this month (mark you calendar for sure). Mercury turns retrograde in Libra, and as many people know, I don’t think Mercury retrogrades are so terrible. In fact, I think they can be used very positively and productively. As the queen of the jungle, Leo, I know you appreciate not being rushed from place to place, being able to move at your own pace, sleeping in, unwinding, and reassessing.

That said, being that we’re in eclipse season, this Mercury retrograde may indeed be a little more difficult than normal. Make sure to get anything and everything important in writing. Again, know learn to speak the language of the issues you’re tackling—if you’re seeing doctors, learn the names of the body systems involved in your issue; if you’re looking to purchase a home, familiarize yourself with the language and laws involved— you get the idea. Know your stuff. It will be your key to a successful fall. Expect issues with communication, emails sent to the wrong recipient, and texts from your ex. Unfortunately, you name the Mercury Retrograde cliche, you’ll probably be dealing with it this time around. That said, there are still ways you can use Mercury’s trip back through the sky. See it as a signal to take your time and move at your own pace. Be smart—literally, learn everything you can about your goals—and things will work out fine! Oh, and don’t sign any contracts (jeez, saying that makes me want to gag; it’s so stereotypical).

Also on September 17, Jupiter will oppose Neptune and Saturn will enter Sagittarius— this is huge! Jupiter, the planet of exaggeration, is currently in nit-picking Virgo, an interesting combination that sort of balances itself out. Neptune, the planet of illusion and art, is currently in Pisces, the sign of the wishy-washy, emotional dreamer. Neptune loves being in Pisces, but it does not so much love being confronted by know-it-all Jupiter in Virgo— expect some expectations to be dashed and confrontations around delusions or even lies are very likely.

Saturn has a long orbit—now that it’s entered Sagittarius, it will stay there till December 2017. Sagittarius is a fellow free-spirited Fire sign, and such an influence always leads to fun, games, and flirtation in your life. However, Saturn is the taskmaster of the zodiac, and wherever Saturn goes, we can count on obstacles and restrictions. Having fun the easy way won’t work so well for you over the next chuck of time. Parties, drinks, Tinder, staring at yourself in the mirror… whatever got you off before will no longer cut it. With Saturn, the best way to work with the energy is to embrace maturity and responsibility. Leo, how do grown-ups have fun? Give that a whirl and you’ll manage Saturn in Sag just fine. Resist, and you’ll see that your social calendar will shrivel up like a little raisin, the most boring snack ever.

Saturn also represents commitment and longevity, so I do look forward to the next two years for you Leo. It’s likely that you will find some creative project you can really, deeply sink you sharp lion’s teeth into. This sense of commitment and security will also translate to you love life: Expect a drop in one night stands and an increase in interest with the long term. Saturn is a cool planet; some would even say that it’s unfeeling. It’s very possible that when this transit first begins, you’ll feel a turned off by cuddles, or the opposite—you might feel so hungry for affection but find that it’s nowhere in sight. It might take some time for this to ease up. Again, embrace your inner mature, adult, and things will even out.

There’s a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Fire sign Aries on September 27, which will carry quite a different energy than the first eclipse this month. Yes, communication issues will still be extremely important—especially with Mercury retrograde in intellectual, logical Libra—but the focus this time will be much more focused on growth and expansion, rather than on material matters. Issues like going back to school, your spiritual or religious leanings, and travel will be highlighted— basically, how are you expanding your mind, Leo? And what are you teaching others?

The month ends with your ruling planet, the Sun, conjunct Mercury retrograde in Libra, on September 30. The puzzles and codes you’ve had a hard time cracking this month will clear up a bit under this combination—which should be helpful, since there’s been a lot of back and forth with communication and straight-up nonsense. A lot will change for you over the next month, Leo: With so many planets hanging out in your sign all summer, it’s likely going to be a relief to have the celestial spot light off of you.

Venus retrograde in your sign was no joke—it was exhausting and left you questioning a lot about who you are and how others see you. Compared to that, the Mercury retrograde in Libra should be a piece of cake. Leo, you’re fine with things moving backward and forward. As the queen of the solar system, ruled by the Sun—our bringer of life who never fails to meet us in the morning—you’re capable of remaining still and mindful while crazy shit goes down around you. Regardless of the planet’s motions, I have no doubt that September will be smooth sailing, thanks to your smarts and your grace.