
Lionel Messi Nutmegs Chelsea Keeper Within Two Minutes of Match Start

Up until Barcelona and Chelsea’s last meeting on February 20, Lionel Messi hadn’t scored on Chelsea in their eight prior meetings. Well, he finally lifted the curse on that day, and then stamped it away with a second, nasty goal against Chelsea today.

All of this was just moments after the fans raised a banner hailing Messi as their one true king:

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Messi got caught up in a kind of sloppy tiki taka, but was eventually dealt an assist from Luis Suarez. And boy did he work some magic with it. Not to mention that it was the fastest of his 600+ goals.

Chelsea keeper Thibaut Courtois is going to be haunted by that nutmeg for a long time. Meanwhile, it’s safe to say Messi got rid of that curse. Like a dirty, dirty horcrux.

UPDATE (4:15pm)

And then Ousumane Dembele came in and lifted his own curse—he hadn’t scored a goal for Barcelona yet since joining this past summer. And Messi was there to help him out:

UPDATE 2 (5:10pm)

Oh, and did you think Messi was done there? Nope, he just had to get his 100th goal in the Champions League to pretty much bury Chelsea. With a nutmeg on Courtois, to boot: