
Listen to Fran’s New EP of Assured Pop

When deciding on a band name, Abi Macilquham, Ben Woods and Ryan Chin fell on Fran and Bar Group. After some deliberation they asked themselves why a band had to stick to one name when a perfectly positioned slash could allow them to keep both. So for a while there the three piece were going as Fran/ Bar Group.

Though they’ve recently dropped the Bar Group part of the name, the young Christchurch trio, who’ve been involved in acts such as Wurld Series, Doprah, and The River Jones, have managed to keep their great distilled pop on their self-titled four song EP .

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From the bass driven “Same Name” to the more introspective “Carry”, the songs carry a nod to 90s indies pop and more experimental takes on melody and structure.

Fran’s self-titled EP is available July 22.