
Listen to HD’s Mix for Chromat’s ‘Mindfiles’ Runway Show

Photo by Andrew Boyle for MADE

Every fashion week, Becca McCharen’s futuristic fashion brand Chromat enlists badass DJs to create a soundtrack for its runway show. Previous seasons have featured artists like Juliana Huxtable, Ana Lola Roman, and Lauren Flax. For Chromat’s latest fall/winter 2015 “Mindfiles” collection, they had HD get on the ones and twos.

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The haunting, high energy mix includes tracks from artists like Fatima Al Qadiri and (McCharen’s personal favorite) Bjork. The sound of robot voices and gears turning creates an industrial vibe that perfectly sets off the collection’s theme of techno-immortality. HD ends the mix with K Rizz’s “Imagine If,” a song that invites listeners to envision a better future where technology gives us the opportunity for a simpler, longer, and more connected life.

Follow HD on Twitter and Soundcloud, and buy gear from Chromat.