
Watch Our 360/VR Documentary ‘Living With Jaguars’ on Saving the Wild Cats of Brazil

Join us at the TIFF Bell Lightbox at 350 King Street West in Toronto to experience ‘Living With Jaguars’ in full room-scale virtual reality. Showtimes are April 6-8 from 12-8pm.

To watch with a Cardboard headset, launch the video with the YouTube app.

Videos by VICE

The Pantanal, a vast tropical wetland in Brazil, is home to one of the highest densities of wild jaguars in the world. Cattle ranchers have made their home here for generations. Jaguars prey on ranchers’ cattle, and ranchers kill jaguars to protect their herds. Today jaguars are considered near threatened, and are thought to occupy only about 50 percent of their historic range.

The conservation nonprofit Panthera—which is focused on protecting the world’s wild cat species—is working with locals in the Pantanal to help ranchers live alongside an apex predator, and to preserve the future of this iconic species, the largest wild cat in the Americas.

Watch ‘Living With Jaguars,’ Motherboard’s 360/VR film on a unique conservation project in Brazil that aims to save the Pantanal jaguar, and an ecosystem that’s been shaped by its presence. To watch it with a Cardboard headset, launch the video with the YouTube app.

‘Living With Jaguars’ was built for room-scale virtual reality headsets. Unlock extra features and interactive elements through Oculus, Steam, or Viveport.