
Lorna Dune’s “Covalent Bond” is a Love Song From a Science Geek Who Happens to Write Dance Music

A covalent bond, Lorna Dune informs me, is the scientific term for the attraction between two atoms sharing electrons. It is one of the most powerful forces in nature, and therefore the perfect name for the first track off her upcoming album Transmutation, which explores the idea of human interference with nature. The classically trained pianist and minimal synth wizard will be performing with the pioneer of minimalist music, Terry Riley, this month for a celebration of Riley’s 80th birthday at Ecstatic Music Festival. Dune has also played with Philip Glass and Steve Reich, so you get an idea of just how kickass she is. The swelling notes, polyrhythms, and cells of patterns on “Covalent Bond” were influenced by Reich and Glass, Dune tells THUMP. But inspiration only goes so far: “I’ve also learned from my young composer friends about the importance of finding your own voice, and I’ve been working at that for the last several years,” she says.

As “Covalent Bond” suggests, Dune excels in conveying powerful emotions with a sparse set of sounds. “So much dance music is mechanical and void of emotion. Don’t get me wrong–I’m not looking for trance or emo, and I’m a huge minimal techno fan, but I just feel like there is more to explore,” Dune says. “This track represents my overall sound because I want desperately to reflect our human experiences of heartbreak, loneliness, love at first sight… and try to house it within a dance track that relays a deeper meaning.”

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Lorna Dune Upcoming Dates

3/18 Lorna Dune tribute to Terry Riley’s 80’s bday at Ecstatic Music Festival

3/22 Playing with Victoire and Meredith Monk at Carnegie Hall

3/26 Lorna Dune with Wye Oak and Alabama Symphony Orchestra in Birmingham

3/27-29 Big Ears Festival with Harold Budd & Terry Riley

Lorna Dune is on Facebook // Twitter // SoundCloud

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