
Lower Dens’ New Song “To Die In LA” Makes Us Feel Funny Inside

Baltimore’s Lower Dens have dropped a new song. Wahoo! It’s a plush, new wave cut with guitars that chime like The Cure and synths that conjure the image of a dozen bunnies running across rolling hillsides of green. The real kicker though is Jana Hunter: her voice is sublime, rich like Malbec and quadrupley awesome when layered over itself again and again as in the chorus. It’s like the moment in the movies when the THX logo comes on the screen and you’re submerged in sound and flooded with wonder. “To Die In LA” is also a reminder that even though that certain someone is making you feel shitty, time will sweep them away eventually.

Lower Dens’ third album Escape From Evil is out on 3.31 via Ribbon Music.

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