
LSU to Gauge Interest of Saban, Meyer; Jets Fans to Gauge Interest of Quarterback Who Doesn’t Inspire Despair

LSU fired Les Miles after a bad loss to Auburn this weekend, ending a Will They/Won’t They dance that had become a yearly tradition. Miles coached the Tigers for 12 years, compiling a 114-34 record and even won an national championship in 2007. That seems pretty good, but ever since Nick Saban returned to the SEC, every other school has developed a serious case of the grass is always greener. So, Miles is gone. What to do now, though? I mean, there are still games to be played, and players to be coached. Well, LSU has a plan, and it’s a pret-ty good one, too, if you ask me.

According to Scott Roussel of Football Scoop, the Tigers are going to gauge the interest of Urban Meyer, and yes, Saban, too. Maybe even Jimbo Fisher, who knows? The world is LSU’s oyster. Maybe they’ve had internal discussions about bringing in Peyton Manning, too.

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Sure, those guys have jobs, are the kings of their respective campuses, and would be hard-pressed to find a job better than their current one, but, hell, maybe they’re getting bored. Maybe they see a school that very publicly jerked its extraordinarily successful coach around for several years and then finally fired him four games into the season and thought, that’s what I need right now in my life, I will leave this place for those obviously greener pastures. Crazier things have happened. Brad and Angelina, for one.

In related news, according to Sean Newell of The Jets Makes Me Want to Kill Myself dot com, the New York Jets are going to kick the tires on Happiness, Just, Like, Generally and they’ll also take a look at A Quarterback Situation That Doesn’t Make Me Drink 37 Bud Lights Every Sunday. Just like LSU, I can confirm that the Jets are dreaming big and are willing to consider just about anything, even the unmooring of reality as consciousness fades into fantasy.