
Daily Horoscope: February 19, 2021

The moon enters Gemini.
Robin Eisenberg

The moon in Taurus connects with Pluto at 2:28 AM, finding us sitting with powerful emotions. The moon enters Gemini at 11:04 AM, encouraging communication, and clashes with the sun at 1:47 PM, finding us changing course. Sweet Venus clashes with warrior Mars at 6:04 PM, stirring up a highly passionate energy and encouraging us to go after what we want!

All times ET.


The moon enters Gemini today, creating a chatty mood! It’s an exciting day for your social life. Your ruling planet Mars clashes with sweet Venus, kicking up a passionate atmosphere!



The moon enters Gemini, bringing your focus to your finances. Your ruling planet Venus also clashes with Mars today, finding you in the spotlight and chasing your dreams!


The moon enters your sign today, Gemini! Find ways to nourish yourself: vent to friend, get fresh air, eat something nutritious. Venus clashes with Mars, igniting a passionate atmosphere.


The moon enters Gemini, illuminating a very private sector of your chart and encouraging you to slow down and rest! But drama kicks up in your social life, too, as Venus clashes with Mars.


The moon enters chatty air sign Gemini, activating the friendship sector of your chart and making this an exciting time to connect! Venus clashes with Mars, kicking up a passionate atmosphere!


The moon enters Gemini, activating the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation. A passionate energy flows as Venus clashes with Mars. Adventure is in the air!


Your ruling planet Venus clashes with Mars and the moon enters fellow air sign Gemini today, putting you in an adventurous and playful mood! Have fun, Libra!


The moon enters Gemini, finding you reflecting on themes like debts and taxes and you’re thinking about how your partners share their resources (like money). Venus clashes with your ruling planet Mars, stirring up passion in your relationships!


The moon enters your opposite sign Gemini today, activating the relationship sector of your chart! Venus clashes with Mars, pushing a conversation forward.



The moon enters detail-oriented Gemini, finding you dutifully tackling your to-do list. Venus and Mars square off, inspiring a passionate atmosphere.


The moon enters fellow air sign Gemini today, lighting up the romance and creativity sector of your chart—fun! Venus clashes with Mars, encouraging you to make a move.


The moon enters Gemini, illuminating the home and family sector of your chart and encouraging you to get cozy. An uptick in communication takes place as Venus clashes with Mars.

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