
Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, June 2022

Welcome to Gemini season, dear Taurus!

The sun in Gemini lights up a materially focused sector of your chart, Taurus: Themes like money, your belongings, and security may be heavily on your mind. Plus, with Mercury retrograde in your sign, you could be feeling confused about what direction to take things. Making a commitment might be tricky as you navigate misunderstandings and delays. But Mercury retrograde ends on June 3, which can help clarify things and help you feel more decisive. 


Saturn retrograde begins in Aquarius on June 4, inspiring you to reorganize yourself at work. You might be rethinking your long-term goals. Saturn retrograde is a period of restructuring, and in Aquarius, the highlighted themes for you, dear Taurus, are your career, reputation, and legacy. A powerful conversation can take place as Mercury in Taurus connects with Pluto in Capricorn on June 10, bringing a philosophical breakthrough. A new idea about the world inspires you in a profound way. As you rethink your approach to your life’s work during the start of Saturn retrograde, Mercury’s connection with Pluto can deliver an especially inspiring and transformative atmosphere. 

Your ruling planet Venus meets wildcard Uranus in your sign, Taurus, on June 11: If you’ve been struggling with boredom, this should shake things up! You’re busting free from limiting circumstances at this time, and you may be in an especially experimental mood. Mercury enters Gemini on June 13, kicking up conversations about money, investments, and security. Financial paperwork may come your way, or some negotiations might take place. A financial situation reaches a climax on June 14 during the full moon in Sagittarius. You may be settling a debt, acquiring or selling something significant, or simply rethinking your approach to budgeting.

On June 16 the sun connects with Saturn and squares off with Neptune in Pisces: A supportive energy flows at work, but you may be feeling unsure about things in your social life, or insecurities might arise. As Venus squares off with Saturn on June 18, you may have to set important boundaries or care for yourself as you navigate obstacles, rejections, or other difficulties. You could be making an important decision about your career at this moment.

While there may be some tension, things turn around as Venus connects with Neptune on June 19, boding very well for your social life. You’re feeling especially charming and charismatic at this time! Mercury connects with Jupiter in Aries on June 20, perhaps bringing exciting news your way. The energy is optimistic and open-minded. And passion is in the air as Venus connects with Pluto on June 21! This is a powerful time for intimacy: The bonds you form with others can feel especially transformative on a personal level. You may also learn something especially inspiring, finding you excited about exploring new opportunities.

Cancer season begins on June 21 and the sun illuminates the communication sector of your chart. Many messages come your way, and you can also connect with friends, neighbors, and siblings, if you have them. Venus enters Gemini on June 22, possibly boding well for your finances or sending a gift your way. Venus in Gemini can help you get clearer on your values and needs, and inspire you to do some shopping and to spoil yourself and your partners! With Venus in Gemini, you might find yourself gaining clarity on your values and reflecting on your worth: You may decide to raise your rates or ask for raise, and in your relationships, Venus in Gemini may find you ready to make requests that you weren’t ready to make previously or hadn’t realized you needed! Mars in Aries connects with Saturn on June 27, inspiring a productive, supportive atmosphere, and helping you feel more solid about future plans.

The new moon in Cancer takes place on June 28, plus Neptune begins its retrograde in Pisces, the sun squares off with Jupiter, and Venus connects with Jupiter. New moons symbolize new beginnings and as Neptune begins its retrograde, the energy may be especially wistful. You may be feeling nostalgic, or connecting with friends can feel especially emotional. You could feel eager to explore your spirituality or connect with people who share your faith. If spirituality doesn’t call you (or even if it does!), you could also feel the urge to express yourself creatively. This new moon in Cancer marks the start of a new conversation or new idea, and as the sun squares off with Jupiter, you’re feeling challenged but excited by the these new concepts. With Venus in harmonious connection with Jupiter, the atmosphere may be especially friendly and easygoing, too.

Good luck this month, Taurus, and see you in July!