
Mac DeMarco’s Fan Club Assistant Job Ad Is Extremely On-Brand

If you’re a famous musician it’s true that very few people know you as well as your fans. That’s the tack Chance the Rapper took recently, when he sought to hire an intern to help out with his extremely important, extremely Chicago-based activities. And it seems that Chance’s recruitment plan has an unlikely admirer in everyone’s favourite lesser-showering troubadour Mac DeMarco, who himself is in the market for an assistant, specifically to help manage his fan club.

According to a post on his website, Mac’s looking for someone who has experience of MailChimp, WordPress and iMovie, which almost definitely means that he just wants somebody who can get all the menial tasks done quickly so there’s more time for kickin’ back, gettin’ high, listening to Willie Nelson and reading Reddit (I presume this is pretty much what Mac DeMarco does all day?). Candidates have also been asked to submit their “dankest Mac meme or Mac-related gif” alongside resumes, just so the wheat can really be separated from the chaff. For “professional” reasons.

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It also seems important that Mac’s new employee is already a fan if they’re going to be managing the fan club, and isn’t it just perfect that Mac DeMarco, the music industry’s biggest, weirdest throwback, has a fan club? Usually this is the sort of thing I would hate but it feels very appropriate considering Mac’s whole “what’s an iPhone?” vibe, and the fan website, which has a very on-brand, trippy, vibrating background, promises that subscribers (you can join for free as a “fan” or pay a subscription to be a “disciple”) will receive all the latest, most exclusive Mac news before everyone else. 

So if you’re a professional person/big stoner in New York City’s five borough area, why not consider giving being Mac’s assistant a try? It’s great experience, and there’s at least a 90 percent chance that you’ll learn the banjo over the course of your tenure. 

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(Image via Wikimedia Commons)