Intel Announces ‘Make It Wearable’ Challenge

In 2013 we wrote about some of the most insane technology that makes 3D printing look like basic Play-Doh. Not only did we learn about a headband that allows you to move water with your mind (literally some Matrix, spoon bending-level creativity), but there was a litany of other wearable innovations that forced us to reconsider how we dress in the morning. 

This new year will undoubtedly including forward-thinking creations that make science fiction a wearable reality. During a speech at CES, Intel may have made the first move by announcing Make It Wearable, an iniative that will hyper-charge the relationship between technology, and anything that can be worn, implanted, grown, and more.

Videos by VICE

The project is a challenge to aspiring entrepreneurs to make their personal wearable technology idea come to fruition–a tangible invention that would change both the fashion runways and the tech scene. 

The Intel Make It Wearable challenge will call upon the smartest and most creative minds around the world to move towards the future of wearable devices and ubiquitous computing, such as meaningful usages, aesthetics, battery life, security and privacy. Intel will be awarding more than US$1.3 million cash awards to winners and will also be connecting contenders with industry luminaries to help realize their ideas. 

Photo by Matthew Silverman

So far, clothing, stickers, temporary tattoos, and accessories like watches, glasses, wristbands, and more are on the market or in development. This includes everything from GPS-enhanced winter jackets, to clothing items that are linked to your personal social media accounts (such as the Tweeting Bra).

Things can get way crazier with wearables, though. The Creators Project has covered artists who use instruments that can be played via dance moves, LED-covered dresses, and even makeup that can control drones. We don’t know the limits of wearable technology, and this competition will be sure to push its boundaries.

There are two ways to participate in Make It Wearable:

  • Dream big. The VISIONARY track rewards futuristic thinking. We will recognize and support ideas with the potential to shift universal perspective and improve the world in a meaningful way.

  • Challenge boundaries. The DEVELOPMENT track is for concepts that push the limits of what’s possible, balancing creativity with execution. Our incubation process will enable you to generate a refined design and business plan for your invention.

Chemical Eyelashes via Katia Vega

The Creators Project will continue to share information about this challenge, and will be releasing a variety wearable-focused documentaries and articles over the next several months. Stay tuned, and see for more information.