[Video] Make It Wearable Part 5: Daily Life

In the concluding episode of our five part Make It Wearable series (in support of Intel’s Make It Wearable challenge), we examine how wearable technology could dramatically enhance our day to day lives on a perpetual, widespread basis. 

What if the technology you use was not a handheld device, but integrated with your body on personal and seamless level? Episode 5 zooms in on the future of wearables that will curate the information you desire in a way where the data is delivered super fast and super effectively—be it through accessories you wear, attaching devices to your limbs, or even embedding sensors into your skin. 

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Whether we actively think about it or not, wearables have already been an intrinsic part of culture: from watches to water-resistant clothing, the practice of enhancing the body already exists. Incorporating technology into wearables, however, is just beginning. 

Wearables will become more personal, understanding not just your body, but who you are and how you live, maximizing your daily life in the process. From aesthetic advancements to becoming stronger and healthier, they are changing the scope of how we understand tech and how we extend culture.  Explore this future with The Creators Project and game-changing innovators in the field in episode 5, and learn how to submit ideas to make your wearable idea a reality with the Intel Make It Wearable here: makeit.intel.com

Re-visit our past episodes in the series, and start imagining the possibilities:

Make It Wearable Part 1: Human Connection

Make It Wearable Part 2: Human Health

Make It Wearable Part 3: Human Expression

Make It Wearable Part 4: Becoming Superhuman