
Make This Endive Salad and Eat Like Ottolenghi All Summer

A few months back, chef, restaurateur, food writer, and vegetable OG Yotam Ottolenghi came to visit the MUNCHIES Garden in New York. Along with NOPI head chef Raymond Scully, he picked a selection herbs and giant turnips, sniffed at our cinnamon, and shot the shit about tofu—all while whipping us up a fresh salad.

Alright for some, you might say. We can’t all have the don of modern Middle Eastern cuisine dropping by to cook us garden-fresh dishes. Some of us are lucky if our boyfriend remembers to buy milk.

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RECIPE: Black Radish, Red Endive, and Apple Salad

Fear not. You too can get a piece of Ottolenghi in your life. The Israeli-born, London-based chef was kind enough to share the recipe for the very black radish, red endive, and apple salad he created from MUNCHIES Garden produce.

It starts with a simple honey, lemon, and olive oil dressing, which is heated to achieve the correct runny consistency. Once you’ve got that, pour over thinly sliced Cox or Pink Lady apples (either is cool—so long as they’re crunchy), Belgian endives, radish, and fresh parsley.

There, you have yourself an NOPI-worthy salad, no IRL Ottolenghi required.