Marriage Equality ‘No’ Campaigners Say the ‘Fight Isn’t Over’

Last year, you might recall, we were all forced through a long, painful, and expensive marriage equality postal survey process. It resulted in a resounding “Yes” vote in favour of equal marriage. The nation celebrated, legislation was passed. Hundreds of same-sex weddings have already taken place. Conservative “No” campaigners, everyone assumed, retreated to lick their wounds. Or did they?

The Coalition for Marriage, a prominent and controversial “No” campaign group with ties to the Australian Christian Lobby, has released a new plea for its supporters to continue the good fight against… whatever it is that equal marriage is doing to affront religious freedoms.

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An email newsletter sent out today very vaguely alludes to the supposed evils of equal marriage, saying, “Gay marriage has only been legal in Australia for a short time but already the consequences of change are being felt. After their victory, LGBTI activist groups are now asking ‘what’s next?’”

What’s next? The Australian Christian Lobby is urging supporters to weigh in on the Turnbull Government’s review into religious freedom in Australia. The panel is led by former Howard minister Philip Ruddock, well-known for his conservative views. Any Australian can have their say on religious freedom laws here, with submissions closing on February 14.

“Mr Ruddock’s committee are seeking written submissions from the public and will provide a written report, and recommendations to the government about how to better protect religious freedom in Australia,” the Coalition for Marriage explains.

“This is your opportunity to have a say and make a difference… Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Our freedoms are too important.”

Ruddock’s review must report its findings by March 31 2018. It will examine whether or not Australian law “adequately protects the human right to freedom of religion.” Probably worth noting that people from any religion are allowed to get married in Australia, and that has always been the case.