
MaryRuth’s Organics’ Popular Liquid Vitamins Are 39% Off for Cyber Monday

MaryRuth's Organics Liquid Multivitamin Is 39% Off for Cyber Monday

My best friend is super into supplements, and I used to ridicule her. Granted, she likes those mysterious powders at Erewhon made out of, like, pearls and exotic mushrooms, that have little to no scientific backing, and so I have always considered her susceptible to snake oil. Vitamins, however, are a different story. There’s a reason why if you feel like crap, your doctor will recommend you get blood work done and see if you have a vitamin deficiency, and if you do, they’ll recommend you buy and take vitamins to correct it. It’s because that shit is real! However, taking a bunch of horse pills every day is a bummer, which is why liquid vitamins are becoming increasingly popular, and none more coveted than MaryRuth’s Organic Liquid Multivitamins.

The ladies of TikTok positively clamor for these big bottles of fruit-flavored vitamin syrup, and the testimonials on our #fyp claim that the stuff can up your energy levels, stave off winter colds, and even improve your skin and hair. By coincidence (or maybe not), around the time I started hearing about MaryRuth’s, a friend recommended them IRL, saying she and her boyfriend had started taking the liquid multivitamin every day and were experiencing an array of positive effects from this raspberry-flavored goo. I started taking it, too, and honestly… I think it’s doing something? It’s hard to say exactly what, but I definitely feel energized, like I can work out longer and harder, and my hair’s looking pretty good, whether or not it’s from the vitamins.

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But perhaps unsurprisingly, this stuff is decidedly more expensive than a generic multivitamin from Target or Trader Joe’s. That’s why it’s one of the Cyber Monday deals I’ve got my eyes on—it’s 39% off, and today, I’m stocking up.

So what’s in it? In short: at least 100% (and up to 1,000%) of all the vitamins and nutrients found in most multivitamins on the market—including vitamin A, B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D3, riboflavin, niacin, and zinc, plus 1,000% of the daily recommended amount for biotin, a B vitamin commonly proported to promote hair growth. It also contains hesperidin, a bioflavonoid that allegedly aids with circulation; betaine, a beet-derived metabolite that may aid liver function and muscle growth; and methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant compound that aids in joint health, exercise recovery, and immune function. MaryRuth’s also includes chromium, which may assist with weight management and insulin resistance, and inositol, which, studies have shown, can aid people with “mental health and metabolic conditions, such as panic disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, polycystic ovary syndrome, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.”

I’ve been guzzling the stuff (I mean, you take a couple of tablespoons a day) for about 10 months now, and I’d describe its flavor as akin to pulverized fruit snacks or raspberry-flavored Dimetapp. It’s not too sugary, but it’s certainly more palatable than, say, Robitussin. It tastes pretty dece, and I feel great. (Physically, anyway. It’s been a crazy year, mate.)

Jury’s out on whether I’ll have mermaid hair anytime soon or whether I’ll live forever, but I’ll report back. I don’t think it’s snake oil, but even if it is, at least I’m stocking up while it’s on sale.

MaryRuth’s Organics Liquid Morning Multivitamin is 39% off on Amazon.

The Rec Room staff independently selected all of the stuff featured in this story. Want more reviews, recommendations, and red-hot deals? Sign up for our newsletter.