
Matt Barnes Celebrates 2016 by Dragging up His Horrendous 2015, Dissing Rihanna and Derek Fisher

Matt Barnes is determined to move on from all of his mistakes of 2015. But he also appears ready to make some more in 2016. At some time around 10pm Memphis time last night on New Year’s Eve, the Grizzlies forward took to Instagram to “reflect” upon his tough year, which included:

  • Physically attacking Derek Fisher for dating Barnes’ estranged wife.
  • Getting suspended two games for physically attacking Derek Fisher for dating Barnes’ estranged wife Gloria Govan.
  • Getting burned by Rihanna for allegedly fabricating a relationship with her.
  • And perhaps the classiest: a rumor that he told James Harden’s mom to “suck my d*ck, b*tch,” for which he was fined $50,000. Yikes.

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Buuut, instead of letting the image—with a nice, vague message about overcoming obstacles—speak for itself, Barnes went in. All in:

matt_barnes9Thank God For 2016!
2015 hands down was the worst year of my life! * *Lost the women I loved,the mother of my kids, my Dogg.. I had to walk away from the only thing I’ve wanted, MY OWN FAMILY! “They call that karma” *To being traded away from a team & city I love! “They call that the business” *Lied on by a pop star
Who’s lucky I stuck to the script & didn’t expose her lien ass
Funny thing about texts & pics is they DONT LIE! “I Guess” “They call that getting played” *Last BUT NOT LEAST… Being stuck in the “triangle offense” w my ex & snitch, I mean former teammate & friend.. Who went behind my back, messed w my ex, got caught, got dealt w for being a snake, then ran & told the Police & NBA.. Instead of taken that ass whoopin like a man & kept it moving….!
Guess cause I didn’t SNITCH, I get a 2 game suspension by the league “They call that LIFE” WHEN IT RAINED, IT POURED in 15
All this played out like a bad reality show, a nightmare, for your amusement & entertainment! For you to critique, make fun of, crack jokes & laugh about.. “What I shoulda did” or what “y’all would have done” Hmmmm… I say all this not for sympathy, because I had a hand in all the bad $h!t that happened.. I was never perfect in my relationship, I didn’t see eye to eye w my head coach.. I was warned SEVERAL times about ole girl & I introduced love ones to people who I “thought were FRIENDS”… Lesson Learned!! This is for all of you who had a F@#%ed up year… To let you know I’m right there w you, We In this together! Everyone has ups & downs in this game called LIFE… It gets better…. “I think” Hahaa nah it does, trust me! — -Remember God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers!!!
-Stay positive, hold ya head, tighten your circle & stick to your instincts..
-It’s not about how many times you fall down, it’s about how many times you get up! Heres to freeing your hands of all the bullshit of 2015 & preparing for the blessing God has in store for us all in 2016!

It’s hard to tell who Barnes doesn’t offend here. Everyone from Rihanna, to his current team and city (“traded away from a team & city that I love”), to Derek Fisher (“snitch”), to his former coach (Doc Rivers). It’s not a great look for someone who claims to be coming to peace with a tough year. Sounds like the man could take some of his own advice and “stay positive.”